speaker icon
speaker icon
Tooth 2
Tooth 1
Lips 1
wolf icon 2
Little Red Riding Hood
Megaphone 6
Bullhorn 5
Bullhorn 4
Taxi 1
car icon 22
truck icon
car icon 9
car icon 1
Ambulance 5
Ambulance 4
police car icon9
Patrol lamp 2
magnifying glass
Fingerprint 4
Handcuffs 3
Police Officer icon 5
soft felt hat icon 2
Nuclear sign
Mao Zedong
Tank 3
All the materials provided from ICOOON MONO are created by graphic design team, TOPECONHEROES.
All the materials may be used for both commercial and non-commercial works.
But you may not redistribute nor sell any of the materials in any way.
If you use Ai data with Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, the material can be edited without becoming ugly.
Have a nice design life!